
What is WP Shoutout

WP Shoutout is now evolving as an independent podcast on WordPress, for WordPress and powered by WordPress (Previously an online radio show on FireMud FM, an online radio station that functions through a website based on. . . you guessed it right. . . WordPress).

With WPShoutOut we want to introduce the users and the community members about the WordCamps and the latest trends around WordPress. This includes, plugin reviews, WordCamp speaker interviews, personalities in this field that can make an impact on the other members.

Being a community project, it needs support with regards to recording, editing promoting, spreading the word. Therefore, we are looking for sponsors. If you are interested in supporting us, get in touch.


Vineet Talwar

Partner, Shouter


Jayman Pandya

Jayman Pandya

Partner, Shouter

Ashutosh Gaur

Shouter season 2,7

This could be you
